Day of Reckoning Chapter 5: Born Again

Let the day perish wherein I was born… let that day be darkness… let darkness and the shadow of death stain it… Why died I not from the womb… Why did I not give up the ghost when  I came out of the belly. Job 3:3-11 Amy’s body ached with the pain born from the…

Because He Lives

So very long ago, Jesus’ disciples had self-quarantined themselves because of fear. Three days prior Jesus had suffered a torturous, violent death, and they, being followers of Jesus, feared the same mis-fortune for themselves.  So, there they were. shut away from the rest of the world, not knowing what would happen next. Sound familiar? Here…

Litmus Test for True Christianity

I’m astounded with those who think they have the “scoop” on God’s word.  Many of whom believe God’s word is cut and dry…black and white with no grays in between.  Most are raised in Christian homes and have been taught the scriptures as a child.  Sunday school classes, Sunday morning services, and Wednesday prayer meetings were the staples…

Baaa Or Maaa?

There’s no time like the present for innovation. As a writer, I usually try to read some word of inspiration in the early morning hours…and often with a cup of coffee on my desk. Today my hand reached for Strong for a Moment Like This…The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton.  (Yes, I am aware…

“God Kills Gay People…”

 It almost never fails.  Soon after I take a seat at my desktop to write, Luna, the nemesis gracing the headline of this blog, comes and plants herself in the center of my chest, gazes at me with demanding eyes and taps the side of my face with her gigantic polydactyl paws. I used to…

Gasp! Jesus Agrees with Buddha…?

Daily Proverb: “If you roll a boulder down on others, it will roll back and crush you.” Y’all, this sounds like God’s way of saying, “Karma’s a bitch!” Could it be that Buddha and Jesus agree?  Gasp! Damn straight! Why should this simple thought bother us? I’m convinced that most of the world’s religions are…

Nuggets of Wisdom

I thought it would be interesting to start a series from Solomon’s book of Proverbs.  What is a proverb?  Well according to the NLT Bible,  “A proverb is a short, concise sentence that conveys moral truth.”   To paraphrase, a proverb is a nugget of wisdom, and when used makes our life better.  Knowledge is good,…

Remember What I Have Told You

Sometimes it’s just too easy to forget, and the older I get the more this becomes my super-power. I feel confident my friends over fifty can relate…hmmm…unless, of course, they have forgotten how often they forget. It’s true, I walk into a room and forget my reason for being there.  I stand blank-eyed, trying to…

Don’t Always Assume the Worst

“And a furious storm of wind [of hurricane proportions] arose, and the waves kept beating into the boat so that it was already becoming filled.”  (Mark 4:37) *** I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be a rider in the boat above! First of all, I’m not a very good swimmer. …

When Things Get Complicated

What do we do when things get complicated? Well…here’s some of the things I find myself doing… First of all I get a sick feeling in the pit of my tummy Second I began rehearsing all the “what ifs” Third my mind grasps the most horrendous “what ifs” and runs wild like a cheetah on…