Because He Lives

So very long ago, Jesus’ disciples had self-quarantined themselves because of fear. Three days prior Jesus had suffered a torturous, violent death, and they, being followers of Jesus, feared the same mis-fortune for themselves.  So, there they were. shut away from the rest of the world, not knowing what would happen next. Sound familiar? Here…

The Ultimate Misfit

One Christmas morning I was up before the birds and all in the house was quiet as a mouse. I was sad, rejected, a misfit because there were certain relationships within my family strained and almost nonexistent. My children and I were were separated by many American miles. As I sat in the silence of…

Yes, I am in a Relationship

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”  Hebrews 12:2 Growing up I was so afraid of hell, that I actually wished I’d never been born. Daily, I was tormented with the thought of the rapture, and being left behind.   I knew God’s promises but for some reason they didn’t apply to me.  It…

My Story…

A question was posed at church yesterday: Where and when have you experienced the movement of the Spirit? My Story… It was Christmas morning and I was sad. I was sad because I felt alone. Yes, I was the only one up…Corinne, the puppies, and the kitties were snuggled in their beds with visions of…

Good Friday, Is it Really Good?

In less than a week, another year of my life will have been spent…gone forever, never again to relive. Re-do’s are just impossible with time. The older I get the closer to dependency I become, and that frightens me. As a caregiver, I work with elderly seniors, and their level of dependency varies greatly. I…

It’s Not a Dirty Little Secret

“Now my soul is troubled and distressed, and what shall I say? (Jesus) Jesus was afraid. How can this be? Jesus, God incarnate, the creator of all universes, was afraid to die. Do you ever think about dying? It’s not a pleasant thought. There are so many unknowns about this fate that we all must…

Baaa Or Maaa?

There’s no time like the present for innovation. As a writer, I usually try to read some word of inspiration in the early morning hours…and often with a cup of coffee on my desk. Today my hand reached for Strong for a Moment Like This…The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton.  (Yes, I am aware…

Gasp! Jesus Agrees with Buddha…?

Daily Proverb: “If you roll a boulder down on others, it will roll back and crush you.” Y’all, this sounds like God’s way of saying, “Karma’s a bitch!” Could it be that Buddha and Jesus agree?  Gasp! Damn straight! Why should this simple thought bother us? I’m convinced that most of the world’s religions are…

Leaving Our Comfort Zones

Mountains of faith rise from the valleys of failure.   –Mart Dehann Don’t hate your failures, learn from them. This looks good on paper, but let’s face it, most of us hate failure.  I know I do.  I’m pretty tolerant of other people’s failure…it’s mine that I despise. Failure is embarrassing, and what if people laugh…

Remember What I Have Told You

Sometimes it’s just too easy to forget, and the older I get the more this becomes my super-power. I feel confident my friends over fifty can relate…hmmm…unless, of course, they have forgotten how often they forget. It’s true, I walk into a room and forget my reason for being there.  I stand blank-eyed, trying to…