Lenten Fast 2020- Day 6

Hello Friends! As many of you know I am on a Daniel Fast for this years lenten season. This fast is a way to deepen your relationship with Jesus through prayer, meditation, reading, and listening for his voice. Instead of eating the foods your body craves, sugar, bread, caffeine, animal based foods, etc, you forgo…

Beer-Battered Baby Squash & Blooms

I could wait no longer! I had to have them and nothing would deter me. Standing by my little garden I salivated as I gazed down upon the treasure; and so putting an end to my hesitation, I bent down and picked six baby squash, one with a lovely bloom intact. That was the beginning…

Cornmeal Dumplings

When I have a chance to reminiscence about the south, I always think about some mighty good cooking, and boy, could my mom ever cook!  If you have a minute, come on with me and lets take a walk down memory’s lane: “I can still r’member, rite good, them Sundays!  My mama would cook up a big…

Lemon Cheesecake Dessert

I’ve prepared this dessert for picnics and office affairs and have received rave reviews each time.  It is so light and refreshing and just perfect for the dog days of summer.   Although, I plan to eat it all year long! The recipe is so versatile.  Please feel free substitute with your favorite puddings or berries.  The next…

Simply Fried Corn

Growing up in the country I ate my fair share of “fresh from the garden” vegetables. My Mom, a single parent, worked hard to put food on the table.  During the summer months,  after a full night’s work in a cotton mill, she came home every morning to work and care for a large vegetable garden. I…

Squash Blossoms…Saturday’s Mystery Ingredient (On Sunday)

What’s the phrase…A day late and a dollar short?  I’ve found myself a dollar short quite often, but today I find myself a day late.  Saturday came and went without the posting of my weekly mystery ingredient.  I’ve had such a good time with these food adventures. It’s been fun tasting things I’ve never tried…

Saturday’s Mystery Ingredient: Mango

Welcome to Saturday’s Mystery Dish!  Today’s mystery ingredient:  Mango Now you may wonder what’s so mysterious about mango.  Nothing really, save for the fact I’ve never cooked with it.  So my weekly assignment was to use an unfamiliar ingredient to prepare an unfamiliar dish.  The first week I cooked with Corn Shucks, the second week Chayote,…

Blackberry Cheesecake Cups

I got this recipe from the local CO-OP in our neighborhood.  I have to say this has become one of my all time favorite desserts.  Of course I tweaked it a bit (surprise…surprise) by adding a mixture of butter and crumbled graham crackers. The graham cracker mixture went into the dish first, then the cheesecake mixture and…

Did Someone Say Spaghetti….As in Squash?

Chinese squash (aka Spaghetti squash) was developed during the 1890’s in Manchuria China. In the 1930’s a Japanese seed firm, Sakata Seed Company, diligently sought  new plants to promote when they stumbled upon the Chinese squash.  Sakata took the squash and worked to develop a better strain. Once that was accomplished they introduced the seeds to the world….