Chapter 6: Introductions

(Recap:  Amy is at the mercy of a psychopath.  She has been kidnapped and is isolated in an old cabin hidden away in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Her wife Sky and dog Rudy are lost in a snowy forest, fighting the elements searching for Amy.  Chapter 6 opens one year before the capture and depicts…

Day of Reckoning Chapter 5: Born Again

Let the day perish wherein I was born… let that day be darkness… let darkness and the shadow of death stain it… Why died I not from the womb… Why did I not give up the ghost when  I came out of the belly. Job 3:3-11 Amy’s body ached with the pain born from the…

Day of Reckoning: Chapter 4

(Recap:  Amy has been kidnapped by a psychopath.  Rudy, her golden retriever, has been shot trying to protect her.  As he bleeds, he continues his search for her…albeit slow.  Sky, Amy’s wife is also searching for her while battling the dangers of a cold and desolate forest.) Rudy   Rudy had tried his best to…

Because He Lives

So very long ago, Jesus’ disciples had self-quarantined themselves because of fear. Three days prior Jesus had suffered a torturous, violent death, and they, being followers of Jesus, feared the same mis-fortune for themselves.  So, there they were. shut away from the rest of the world, not knowing what would happen next. Sound familiar? Here…

Day of Reckoning: Chapter 2

(Read:   Prologue 1&2; Chapter 1 ) Chapter 2 Evil Intent He pictured Amy hanging in the root cellar.  He knew she had to be in excruciating pain. He knew because he had once hung in similar fashion by the hands of his father.  He remembered begging his father to help him, but his father had…

Day of Reckoning: Chapter 1

(Click here to read Prologue 1 & 2)   Chapter 1 Captured   Amy opened her eyes to total blackness. She was confused. She tried to rub them thinking she could rub away the dark but her hands were bound behind her back.  A wave of panic surged though her body.  She tried to scream…

Day of Reckoning: Prologue 1 and 2

Prologue 1  What’s the phrase? “Looks can be deceiving…?” Yes, that’s the one. From a bystander’s point of view the cabin looked innocent enough.  It had its walls, windows, rooms, and door, but that’s where the similarity ended.  This cabin was old…ancient, and it held within its walls secrets…many bad secrets. No one knew the…

Lenten Fast 2020- Day 6

Hello Friends! As many of you know I am on a Daniel Fast for this years lenten season. This fast is a way to deepen your relationship with Jesus through prayer, meditation, reading, and listening for his voice. Instead of eating the foods your body craves, sugar, bread, caffeine, animal based foods, etc, you forgo…

The Ultimate Misfit

One Christmas morning I was up before the birds and all in the house was quiet as a mouse. I was sad, rejected, a misfit because there were certain relationships within my family strained and almost nonexistent. My children and I were were separated by many American miles. As I sat in the silence of…

I’ll Vote for Mickey Mouse

Friends, an innocent man does not hide.  An innocent man does not shun the opportunity to present his case to the powers that be.  An innocent man does not ignore subpoenas ordered by America’s Justice system.  An innocent man does not take his case to the Supreme Court in order to keep his tax returns private.  My question is…