“God Kills Gay People…”

 It almost never fails.  Soon after I take a seat at my desktop to write, Luna, the nemesis gracing the headline of this blog, comes and plants herself in the center of my chest, gazes at me with demanding eyes and taps the side of my face with her gigantic polydactyl paws. I used to…

Today…Never Again

“Exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today…”  (Hebrews 3:13) This morning my daily devotions took me to chapter 3 of Hebrews.  In verse 7 the Holy Spirit admonishes me to “listen to his voice.”  Not only am I compelled to listen but I am urged to do it now…right away…in this very moment. Listen…

God’s Abstract Love

There are some things we will never understand, and God’s love is one of them.  Maybe there are times, we think, we comprehend its depth, only to have the knowledge drift away, like a cloud in the sky. If it were possible to put God’s love to canvas, you can be sure, it would be abstract art.  I truly enjoy…

You Are a Masterpiece

My morning devotional, that I try to consume every day with a cup of coffee, told me,  “We can live by the truth of God’s word and not by the way we feel.” I grew up with low self esteem.  I never felt good enough.  As a child, I didn’t understand this to be a lack of self worth, rather it was…

You Are A Gift

We are uniquely created for reckless abandonment to our Creator.  We crave Him,  and long for His sound and scent. We yearn to share His story:  For God so loved the world.  And no one else can tell the story quite like you.  You are a gift to the world. (Daily Prompt: Scent)

Grace is Found in Hues of Gray

Recently, I had a family member express concern for my soul.  Their reason?  I’m a lesbian. Now, first of all, I realize their concern is an expression of love, but I also know, they fear if they fail to warn me, then my blood will stain their hands, at the great white throne of God’s…

Melody of the Soul

  Sometimes I shiver with the thought of getting old.  This shiver, like a wave of panic, reminds me:  Time marches on and stops for no one.  Logically, I knew this all along; however, now that I’m over fifty, it’s beginning to really sink in. It’s quite the paradox, for as I gaze into the mirror, I see…

Obvious Mercy

A Conversation with God 8/25/16 Me:  Well God, I woke up this morning to three big piles and a puddle.  Had to steam mop the floors-of which- I finished the living room, kitchen, dining room, and hallway-ALL- before 7:30 this morning! God:  Some days are definitely better than others, but… Me:  Yeah, and some nights are…

A Seed of Faith

A Conversation with God 8/24/16 Me:  Hello God.  Are you there?  Are you really there? God:          (silence) Me:  Do you, really, hear me, or are my words like dandelion seeds, dangling in the air? God:  (silence) Me:  God? God: (silence) Me:  Do you hear when I pray? God:  (silence) Me:  You…

A Quiet Place

A Conversation with God 8/18/16 Me:  God, my world is too noisy…sometimes I just want to go to the moon! God:  You don’t have to go all the way to the moon…just rest in your quiet place, it’s always waiting for you. Me:  I would but I don’t know the way. God:  Well, that’s the…