The Most Precious Gift

Giving to others from your abundance is good; however, giving away something you cherish is better…even Christlike.  Jesus gave up his riches to become a homeless man, and in the end, he gave us the best gift ever given…himself.   Maybe on this Christmas Eve we should honor him by giving our most precious gift…ourselves. ***

Rivers of Water

I was on my way home from the hospital and my first born was lying in an incubator at Pitt Memorial. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her, but circumstances prevailed, and it became something unavoidable. As I lay in bed that night my heart and mind, extremely distressed, I could not…

The Ultimate Misfit

One Christmas morning I was up before the birds and all in the house was quiet as a mouse. I was sad, rejected, a misfit because there were certain relationships within my family strained and almost nonexistent. My children and I were were separated by many American miles. As I sat in the silence of…

I’ll Vote for Mickey Mouse

Friends, an innocent man does not hide.  An innocent man does not shun the opportunity to present his case to the powers that be.  An innocent man does not ignore subpoenas ordered by America’s Justice system.  An innocent man does not take his case to the Supreme Court in order to keep his tax returns private.  My question is…

Yes, I am in a Relationship

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”  Hebrews 12:2 Growing up I was so afraid of hell, that I actually wished I’d never been born. Daily, I was tormented with the thought of the rapture, and being left behind.   I knew God’s promises but for some reason they didn’t apply to me.  It…

In Search of Mahanaim

…for they said, “The people are hungry, weary, and thirsty in the wilderness.” II Samuel 17:29 King David and his followers ran for their lives into the wilderness. Absalom, his son, was hot on the trail, and would settle for nothing less than the head of his father on a stick. Absalom had set himself…