Because He Lives

So very long ago, Jesus’ disciples had self-quarantined themselves because of fear. Three days prior Jesus had suffered a torturous, violent death, and they, being followers of Jesus, feared the same mis-fortune for themselves.  So, there they were. shut away from the rest of the world, not knowing what would happen next. Sound familiar? Here…

Rivers of Water

I was on my way home from the hospital and my first born was lying in an incubator at Pitt Memorial. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her, but circumstances prevailed, and it became something unavoidable. As I lay in bed that night my heart and mind, extremely distressed, I could not…

Yes, I am in a Relationship

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”  Hebrews 12:2 Growing up I was so afraid of hell, that I actually wished I’d never been born. Daily, I was tormented with the thought of the rapture, and being left behind.   I knew God’s promises but for some reason they didn’t apply to me.  It…

Nuggets of Wisdom

I thought it would be interesting to start a series from Solomon’s book of Proverbs.  What is a proverb?  Well according to the NLT Bible,  “A proverb is a short, concise sentence that conveys moral truth.”   To paraphrase, a proverb is a nugget of wisdom, and when used makes our life better.  Knowledge is good,…

Don’t Always Assume the Worst

“And a furious storm of wind [of hurricane proportions] arose, and the waves kept beating into the boat so that it was already becoming filled.”  (Mark 4:37) *** I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be a rider in the boat above! First of all, I’m not a very good swimmer. …

My Soul To Take

  Oh, that God would mold this clay, nothing but dust, dirt and decay! And yet, in me, He saw some worth; He sent his Son, from Heaven to Earth. To lay down his life, upon the cross, to thirst, and bleed, and suffer loss. And so for me, His Glory awaits; one day I’ll…

God’s Abstract Love

There are some things we will never understand, and God’s love is one of them.  Maybe there are times, we think, we comprehend its depth, only to have the knowledge drift away, like a cloud in the sky. If it were possible to put God’s love to canvas, you can be sure, it would be abstract art.  I truly enjoy…

Fairy Dust of Magic

  Fairy Dust of Magic   I sit here basking, under rays of sun, with grass interwoven between bare toes. The bumble bee, he buzzes, he’s on a mission, to a fragrant purple…a lilac…he knows. *** Humming birds flit, their wings all a flutter.  The nectar they crave, from this purple place. Orange  Monarchs, and  Swallow-tails of yellow,  land…

The Lord is my Shepherd

When, blessings like a river, swarm. “The Lord is my shepherd.”  And thus begins Psalm 23. King David is the author of Psalm 23; however, as much as we Christians would like to believe, David was not the first to pen the idea of God as shepherd. History tells us, this metaphor, of comparing god to shepherd, was common…

Confident and Full of Hope

Good day, dear friends!  Here we are at close of another year.  We’ve run, walked, and sometimes crawled these past 365 days.  Now we find ourselves tying the bow, on the box we call 2016, but before we put the box upon the shelf,  may we take a moment to ask the question:  What has…