What of the Past?

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Childhood Revisited.”  Sure, you turned out pretty good, but is there anything you wish had been different about your childhood? On my 50th birthday my daughter sent me a card that said, “Congratulations, you are now half a century old!”  (Gotta love that girl)  In response, my next…

Broken Rail/Broken Me

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Broken.” For this challenge, capture something broken: an old window, a vintage sign, a toy never fixed, a contemplative friend. Or go deeper: find beauty in something broken. I captured this photo of a broken rail after it captured me! I’m a runner.  Sometimes I’m pretty good…

Enveloped In Love

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Enveloped.” When I think of the word enveloped, one thing comes to mind, love.  Could you possibly be surrounded by anything better? I treasure the love of God that envelops me, always.  Corinne, the love of my life, envelopes me with love…and I am blessed.  Unconditional love…

The Road To Chimney Rock

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “To Sleep, Perchance to Dream.” When I perchance to dream I often think of my childhood days spent within the Appalachian mountains.  Many a day was spent in the backseat of my brother’s red 442.  With Larry at the wheel and Vicki beside him, we traveled  a many…

The Mad Hatter!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Green-Eyed Monster.” I couldn’t really pull a green-eyed-monster out of the hat this morning so I decided to throw caution to wind and free write for 20 minutes. And away we go!  Twenty minutes here I come.  I will eat you up like a ice cream cone…

20 Days of Writing 101: Day 1

20 days of writing inspiration…each day offers a new prompt and a special twist. Day 1:   Today, take twenty minutes to free write. And don’t think about what you’ll write. Just write. Keep typing (or scribbling, if you prefer to hand-write for this exercise) until your twenty minutes are up.  And away we go!  Twenty minutes here I…

Now That’s What I Call “Styling”

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “The Clothes (May) Make the (Wo)man.” Question:  How important are clothes to you? Describe your style, if you have one, and tell us how appearance impacts how you feel about yourself. Without clothes where would I be?   I guess I would be hanging my hat at my…

School House Rock Was All I Needed

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Land of Confusion.” Okay folks, here’s the question:  Which subject in school did you find impossible to master? Did math give you hives? Did English make you scream? Do tell! Math never gave me hives but I can say it taught me how to count on my…

Hope Challenge Update

The Challenge Continues:   Even though I have not recorded each day after day five I have been diligent to continue the challenge.  Each day I have asked God for something, I have tried to do something fun, I have sought to be a blessing to someone every day, and I have earnestly tried to be thankful…

Once Upon a Time in a Graveyard Past

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Forces of Nature.” I am a runner.  I’m not a great runner.  I’m certainly not a fast runner, but I do run so that makes me a runner. It has taken quite a while for this to resonate in my psyche.  A slow process of evolution has given me the…