Accept, Celebrate, And Pamper Your Body

Blushing is no stranger to me.  It has been my companion since as far back as I can remember.  Sometimes I think I am the queen of blushing.  In school I was always the awkward kid who blushed far too easily.  I even blushed about blushing.  It became a vicious cycle, and being shy and…

You Were Our Anchor

(I should apologize for the following blog as it is raw and unedited… as are my emotions.  Therefore it seemed ridiculous to go through and make corrections…this is how feel unedited and raw…) (forgive me) I was floored this morning from a text. Just as usual I got up to get my coffee going.  I…

It’s Only Wrinkles

“You are growing old, and much land remains to be conquered.”                    [God to Joshua]   It seems I see a new wrinkle each day.  Ok…maybe I’m dramatizing a bit, but isn’t that a writer’s prerogative…? But, seriously, now that I’m over 50 I’m seeing things in…