Listen to Understand and Not to Reply

If you want to have a better attitude towards someone, then you must change your thoughts about that person.  This is not an easy task,  because our first instinct, as human beings, is to prove our point and then try to make others view the world through our eyes. This power struggle, whether on social…

Trump in Haiku

True love will be banned, Where hate grows richly and free. Trump’s presidency.    *** A traditional Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllable count.   (In participation of today’s daily prompt:  Banned)    

Road Trip to Maine: Day 5

Today’s blog is both the continuation and the ending to the series “Road Trip To Maine.” My intention for this series was to create a keepsake that could be re-lived years into the future.  I apologize for the boring moments, but thank you for your perseverance to come along with me on this journey. The…

There is a River Inside of Me

(Inspiration taken from Psalms 46)   Though earth be blown away, and mountains that spew fire,  fall into an angry sea, roaring waves, reaching higher… *** There is a river inside of me. *** The river is God-In-Spirit, waters, peace behooved, forever in the midst, so I shall not be moved. *** There is a…

Road Trip to Maine: Day 4

Is it just me, or does everyone have a “go-to-swear-word?”  You know, the word that spews out so easily, during the stubbing of a toe or a barefoot walk over scattered Lego’s.   Yeah…that word… Even when I only “Christian-cussed,” I had my go to word.  It was:  “Sweet Hallelujahs!” AND believe me, it never came out reverently… Unfortunately,…

Road Trip to Maine: Day 3

Sunday came early as always; however, I missed its entrance, as my little eyes were closed in sleep, and remained so, until somewhere in the neighborhood of the eleventh hour.  So let’s just say, I “arose” at approximately 11’ish, and straight away, stumbled to the window to gaze into  yet another cloudy day in Maine. Since…

Road Trip to Maine: Day 2

Day two began with a knock at the door. (Hmm… sounds like the beginning of a good mystery novel.) Of course I was still asleep; after all, number 1-it was only 9:30 am, number 2-I was “on vacation” and lastly, number-3, I’d stayed up late the previous night.  I ask you, “Who in their right…

Road Trip to Maine: Day 1

My road trip to Maine started on an early 4:30 am, Friday morning.  To be honest, the alarm rang at 4:30, but of course I hit it and snoozed another 30 minutes.  Doesn’t everyone do that? No time for a shower, became the consequence of sleeping away those 30 minutes, so I covered my “woody-woodpecker”…