Yes, I am in a Relationship

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”  Hebrews 12:2 Growing up I was so afraid of hell, that I actually wished I’d never been born. Daily, I was tormented with the thought of the rapture, and being left behind.   I knew God’s promises but for some reason they didn’t apply to me.  It…

My Story…

A question was posed at church yesterday: Where and when have you experienced the movement of the Spirit? My Story… It was Christmas morning and I was sad. I was sad because I felt alone. Yes, I was the only one up…Corinne, the puppies, and the kitties were snuggled in their beds with visions of…

Good Friday, Is it Really Good?

In less than a week, another year of my life will have been spent…gone forever, never again to relive. Re-do’s are just impossible with time. The older I get the closer to dependency I become, and that frightens me. As a caregiver, I work with elderly seniors, and their level of dependency varies greatly. I…

Leaving Our Comfort Zones

Mountains of faith rise from the valleys of failure.   –Mart Dehann Don’t hate your failures, learn from them. This looks good on paper, but let’s face it, most of us hate failure.  I know I do.  I’m pretty tolerant of other people’s failure…it’s mine that I despise. Failure is embarrassing, and what if people laugh…

Disappear From Sight

Have you ever had to eat your words? I’m sure I have, but at the moment, nothing comes to mind.  Perhaps, even if I could, I wouldn’t share as “eating your words” is considered quite distasteful. Often, the words we have to eat are bitter. I believe the words we say never disappear.  They linger…

Let’s Get The Party Started!

Would it be too premature if I said, “I’m enjoying Heaven on this Earth?” Well, lets take a look-see… So, first of all, my description of Heaven is anywhere I can commune with Jesus. Yes, I know that one day this body will die, and my spirit will ascend into Heaven, and I realize Heaven…

My Soul To Take

  Oh, that God would mold this clay, nothing but dust, dirt and decay! And yet, in me, He saw some worth; He sent his Son, from Heaven to Earth. To lay down his life, upon the cross, to thirst, and bleed, and suffer loss. And so for me, His Glory awaits; one day I’ll…

You Are a Masterpiece

My morning devotional, that I try to consume every day with a cup of coffee, told me,  “We can live by the truth of God’s word and not by the way we feel.” I grew up with low self esteem.  I never felt good enough.  As a child, I didn’t understand this to be a lack of self worth, rather it was…

You Are A Gift

We are uniquely created for reckless abandonment to our Creator.  We crave Him,  and long for His sound and scent. We yearn to share His story:  For God so loved the world.  And no one else can tell the story quite like you.  You are a gift to the world. (Daily Prompt: Scent)

Melody of the Soul

  Sometimes I shiver with the thought of getting old.  This shiver, like a wave of panic, reminds me:  Time marches on and stops for no one.  Logically, I knew this all along; however, now that I’m over fifty, it’s beginning to really sink in. It’s quite the paradox, for as I gaze into the mirror, I see…